
Below is a selection of recent research:
Roux, S. M., Burke, V. (In Press). Making the Abstract Concrete: A Case for Structured Abstracts in Organizational Sciences. Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Burke, V., Grandey, A. A., Melloy, R. C., Ferris, L., & England, K. (2024) Are women penalized for showing pride at work? Gender disparities in the competence‐warmth tradeoff. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 
Kundro, T. G., Burke, V., Grandey, A. A., & Sayre, G. M. (2022). A perfect storm: Customer sexual harassment as a joint function of financial dependence and emotional labor. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Burke, V. A., (2022). Negotiating the Middle: A Promotion-Prevention Explanation of Midlife Identity Negotiation and Leadership.

Burke, V., & Grandey, A. A. (2020). “Midlife crisis” on the road to successful workforce aging. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 13(3), 388-394.

Burke, V. (2019). Gender Gap in Leadership Interest: Stereotype Incongruity Explanations and Targeted Recruitment Solutions.

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